Wet Wraps for Eczema

Wet Wraps for Eczema

“Wet Wraps” for Eczema have as their purpose to get the skin wet by bathing for 20 minutes or more, and then applying a moisturizing cream and wrapping the skin with a moist or wet cloth.  The theory is that this is the best way to “trap” moisture in the skin of the Eczema victims.  

Wet Wraps Warning! — The problem with wet wraps is that the results are not much better than with other conventional treatments and the risk of bacteria leading to infection is higher (see study: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2082699/).

Trying wet wraps at home—If you want to give wet wraps a try, let's start by not putting chemicals in the bath tub you are bathing in.   First way to mess up this process is adding high PH soaps or suds to the bath water.  This is a no no.  Next, don't add any shampoo, conditioner, body wash or bubble bath which contain sulfates.  Finally, put something in the bath that can actually help the skin, like aloe vera, shea butter, hemp seed oil, olive oil etc.   

Finally, what is the best product to use for a Wet Wrap?   GoodOnYa Skin Treat Cream, of course!  It contains every vitamin, mineral, trace mineral and amino acid the skin needs for cellular regeneration as well as shea butter, aloe vera, hemp seed oil, coconut oil, etc.  Add in the Manuka Honey and you can help fight the bacteria that makes the wet wrap an infection risk.    

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